Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Duct tape fixes all problems.
Yesterday was my long run. I do one long run every week, usually on Tuesdays. All the other days are between 3 and 5 miles, a track workout (400m repeats) or a stretch/strengthen workout. But yesterday was my first 7 mile run since last year. So I was a little bit nervous, but not too bad. I just take it one mile at a time.
I got up at 6 am so I could run before it got hot. (Note to self: that was NOT early enough!) I was out the door just before 7 am and by the time I could see the big sign at the hospital it read 79 degrees. By the time I actually got to the sign it was 80. I rounded the corner and within about a quarter of a mile there was another one of those reader board signs. It read 81. Holy cow! It wasn't even 7:30 yet! I know 81 degrees doesn't sound that hot, but keep in mind that there is NO SHADE in this town, the sun was beating down on me and I was running! Needless to say, I lost over two pounds during that run, and it all came out my pores.
That run was so brutal. Definitely the worst one I've ever had. I even have battle wounds. A blood blister on my foot and, well, um, um...Let's just say that the new sports bra has a seam that rubs! Too much information, I know. Forget you ever read that.
So in conclusion, here's what I learned:
*I need to find a cool shady spot to run. I may resort to running circles around my maple tree.
*Duct tape works for preventing blisters. Now that I've had two blisters in the same spot, I will definitely be putting some on before my runs.
*3 for $10 sports bras are not a good deal.
*I may try using duct tape instead of the bra next time.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
To the 4th of July and beyond!!!
It's been one party after another here at the Wrathall household. This is a picture from Keaton's birthday party. His birthday was actually in March, but since our house was totally torn apart in March we postponed it until June, when our house was only partially torn apart. Partial is so much better than total.
Then a couple of days later we had Carson's birthday party. His birthday is in December, but since it's so close to Christmas he always has his party in June. Don't you love how we celebrate our kids' birthdays at random? That's the thing about being parents. You can do whatever you want!
Next up we have our encounter with a snake on our front porch. Remember the sign on our front door that says, "Thou Shalt Remove Thy Shoes"? Well, he didn't. And this is what we do to those who don't obey. He is still in the freezer and he gives me a heart attack every time I try to sneak and get some ice cream.
Party number three is Daniel's going away party. We managed to pull off a surprise, which is always fun. I can't believe the year is already gone, and we put him on a plane yesterday to head back to Germany.
Goodbye Daniel! We'll miss you!
Don't forget to put schlupfer on your po!
So once all the parties were over it was time for a little trip.
The next day we hiked the Eagle Creek trail to Punchbowl Falls and took a dip in the frigid waters. That was SO fun! There were a couple of cliffs to jump off of and the boys all did it several times.
Eagle Creek is one of our favorite places on earth. We go there almost every year and we never seem to get tired of it.
It's gorgeous!
For some reason, Jantzen wasn't excited about taking this picture.
She had a frown and she wasn't afraid to use it.
Then as if all of that stuff wasn't enough fun, we met up with my mom and sisters and headed to the beach for the Fourth of July. We got there early in the afternoon and just hung out all day playing in the water and the sand and the cooler full of food. Some of us ate more sand than food.
But I won't mention any names...
Some of us ate more food than sand...